
Rahul Tiwari

Technical Marketing Engineer

Enterprise Wireless Networking

Rahul is a Technical Marketing Engineer in Enterprise Wireless Networking Business Unit. He is an alumnus of Syracuse University and holds a Master's degree in Telecommunications and Network Management.

He loves to scale the mountains and is also an aspiring nature photographer.


July 3, 2019


Cisco DNA Center’s Network Assurance and Analytics Leaves the Competition Behind

Do you have what you really need for Network Assurance? Today’s businesses require fast-paced, dynamic networks that can assure the user and application quality of experience, securely. Today’s networks need Network Assurance Network health is an important aspect of any network operation, and histo…

November 3, 2017


Miercom Agrees: Huawei is no Match for Feature-Rich Cisco

A modern-day enterprise Wi-Fi infrastructure has to be multi-faceted. It should be optimized, not only for high performance, but also in order for other areas to maintain a smooth flow of Wireless LAN operations. Enterprise Wi-Fi vendors offer various features to furnish the business requirements of…

September 2, 2015


Tips on Getting the Most from the Apple Watch and Your Wireless Network

Since the release of Apple watch in April 2015, a considerable amount of articles have been published on the features of the watch and how it connects to the iPhone through either Bluetooth or Wi-Fi. Unlike those pieces, this article analyzes the impact of the Apple watch on the wireless network. Th…